Simply put, we’re different. We pride ourselves on academic excellence and therefore offer an extremely challenging, fully accredited and innovative academic curriculum and progressive academic credit recovery program for scholars.​
Timeless Teachings in a Changing World
DSA offers an extremely challenging, fully accredited and innovative academic curriculum and progressive academic credit recovery program for scholars. The academic mission of Devyne Stephens Academy is to promote the academic development of its scholars by means of a challenging and varied course of study that prepares them to live as productive and well-adjusted members of society.
Academic Core
Social Studies
Science, Health
Physical Education
The Future Of Our
Culture Starts Here
Students are tested in the basic areas of Reading, English, Writing, Math, Social Studies, and Science. Opportunities for learning are utilized in every aspect of life at Devyne Stephens Academy. Students participate in educational field trips to the wonderful sights around Georgia. Each field trip provides the students with learning experiences in Science, History, Nature, English Composition, and culture.
Performing Arts and Elective Classes:
Physical Education
Vocational Studies
Video Production
Classes at DSA are relatively small, with a faculty-to-student ratio of approximately 15:1. Instruction is individualized, although in special circumstances classroom instruction and study-including college credit work may be arranged if deemed appropriate. Appropriate members of the faculty supervise and mentor a student's independent studies.
DSA offers a modified block schedule for instruction. Students complete 1 full credit in 2 courses each semester in addition to a half a credit in 2 courses each term.
The daily schedule for fall and spring defined by the modified block schedule: four classes are scheduled each day, 2 classes are 2 hours and 2 classes are 60 minutes, making it possible for a student to complete three credits per semester for a total of 6 credits per year.
Course planning at DSA is completely individualized and customized, and no matter the student's age or grade. He/she is placed in the core and elective classes that are appropriate for him/her. This individualized attention, coupled with the fact that instruction at DSA is year-round, enables students in some instances to take full loads and recoup credits, if necessary.​
DSA provides a full array of counseling services for the community. Working in collaboration with parents and educational consultants, the school will take the lead in assisting students with college selection matters and application procedures. Moreover, SAT and ACT preparation classes are provided at the school, and DSA assists students with test registration and interpretation
Classes begin each weekday at 7:30 A.M., and classes meet for 60-120 minutes. During the 60-minute specials, there is a built-in constructive time period when students study, do homework, take make-up examinations, and meet with teachers.
Constructive time for academic work is also structured into the after-school program. Students work independently, in small groups, or with assigned peer tutors. In addition, if a student at any time falls below 70% in any course, she will be placed on Academic Support status. This mandates that even more study time and assistance will be made available on weekends and evenings.